
To be an international service enterprise of excellence

Creating a Better Life

Group Profile

BLD-me, founded in 2001 and headquartered in Hangzhou, China, is positioned as a "provider of high-quality lifestyle services for high-net-worth individuals."

BLD-me offers a membership-based butler service system, leveraging cloud computing, AI, and other information technologies to build the BLD-me APP, creating a digital economy and supply chain ecosystem to continuously meet users' service needs in areas such as luxury cars, used cars, fashion boutiques, travel, education, and health, creating a better life!

  • 500 TOP
    Private Company in China
  • 500 TOP
    Service Industry Company
    in China
  • 100 TOP
    Zhejiang-based Company
  • 100 TOP
    Private Service Industry in
    Zhejiang Province
  • Mission
    Creating a Better Life
  • Vision
    To be an international service enterprise of excellence
  • Values
    Innovation, breakthrough, cooperation, integrity, efficiency
  • Corporate Ethos
    Day one starts from every day
  • Service Philosophy
    Towards excellence, detail-oriented
  • Quality Philosophy
    Standardized service, globalized standards
  • Employment Philosophy
    Only those who are capable can shine and grow.
    Retaining talent by mechanisms and nurturing employees by culture.
  • Teamwork Philosophy
    Common efforts for common success
Corporate Culture
Key Philosophies

Key Partners

Our Achievements

05/2024 TOP 20 China Auto Dealers

05/2024 TOP 100 China Auto Dealers-New Energy Vehicle

05/2023 16th place in Top 100 China Auto Dealers

09/2023 Top 500 Private Company in China

09/2023 Top 500 Service Industry Company in China

12/2023 Star of Auto Market Regional Outstanding Dealer Group

05/2022 One Plus One Charity Foundation "Charitable Contribution Award"

07/2022 18th place in Top 100 China Auto Dealers

09/2022 Top 500 Private Company in China

09/2022 Top 500 Service Industry Company in China

09/2022 Top 100 Zhejiang-based Company

09/2022 Top 100 Zhejiang-based Service Industry

12/2022 Industry Innovation Award for Excellent Members in China Automobile Dealers Association

05/2021 20th place in Top 100 China Auto Dealers

08/2021 99th place in Top 500 Zhejiang-based Companies in China

09/2021 Top 500 Private Company in China

09/2021 Top 500 Service Industry Company in China

09/2021 Top 100 Zhejiang-based Company

09/2021 Top 100 Zhejiang-based Service Industry

11/2021 Top 100 Yangtze River Delta-based Service Industry

12/2021 Integrated Service Award and Digital Transformation Award for Excellent Members in China Automobile Dealers Association

05/2020 21st place in Top 100 China Auto Dealers

09/2020 Top 500 Private Company in China

09/2020 Top 500 Service Industry Company in China

10/2020 Top 100 Zhejiang-based Company

10/2020 Top 100 Zhejiang-based Service Industry

11/2020 Outstanding Company in China Automobile Dealers Association

11/2020 Top 100 Yangtze River Delta-based Service Industry

06/2019 20th place in Top 100 China Auto Dealers

08/2019 Excellent Auto Dealer Operation Group

08/2019 Top 500 Private Company in China

09/2019 Top 500 Service Industry Company in China

11/2019 Competitive Company Award in China Automobile Dealers Association

02/2018 Vice Chairman of International Chamber of Commerce of Hangzhou

05/2018 22nd place in Top 100 China Auto Dealers

08/2018 Top 500 Private Company in China

09/2018 Top 500 Service Industry Company in China

09/2018 Top 100 Zhejiang-based Company

01/2017 Famous Trademark of Hangzhou

05/2017 24th place in Top 100 China Auto Dealers 2016

08/2017 Top 500 Private Company in China

08/2017 Top 100 Private Service Industry Company in China

09/2017 Top 100 Zhejiang-based Company

04/2016 National Organizational Model of Integrity

05/2016 24th place in Top 100 China Auto Dealers 2015

09/2016 Top 100 Zhejiang-based Company 2016

02/2015 Company with 3A-Grade Credit in China

05/2015 24th place in Top 100 China Auto Dealers 2014

02/2014 Star of Auto Market Hangzhou Excellent Auto Marketing Group 2013

05/2014 23rd place in Top 100 China Auto Dealers 2013

11/2014 Star of Auto Market China Super Dealer Group

11/2014 Outstanding Contribution Award 2014 by China Automobile Dealers Association

05/2013 22nd place in Top 100 China Auto Dealers 2012

07/2013 Top 100 Zhejiang-based Company

07/2013 Top 100 Zhejiang-based Service Industry

11/2013 Excellent Member Award 2013 by China Automobile Dealers Association

05/2012 32nd place in Top 100 China Auto Dealers 2011

11/2012 Best Enterprise Award by China Automobile Dealers Association

11/2012 Auto Dealer Certified by All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce

12/2012 Star of Auto Market Hangzhou Excellent Auto Marketing Group

12/2012 Most Popular Auto Dealer among Police Officers

05/2011 60th place in Top 100 China Auto Dealers 2010

06/2011 Auto Dealer Information Platform Award of IT-based Achievements in China’s Auto Industry

06/2011 Top 100 Zhejiang-based Service Industry

09/2011 Preferred Brand among Upscale Auto Sales Service Consumers in China

05/2010 41st place in Top 50 China Auto Dealers 2009

06/2010 Most Satisfying Model Brand among Upscale Auto Sales Service Consumers in China

07/2009 The 5th Batch of Top 100 Educatory Enterprises in China

10/2009 Excellent Organization Award in the Rating of Auto Dealer Marketing Campaign Cases in China

12/2009 Model Company Satisfying Consumers with Good Quality and Credit

05/2008 Company with 3A-Grade Credit in China

10/2008 Industrial or Commercial Company with 3A-Grade Contract Compliance & Credit in Zhejiang Province

10/2008 Top 10 Employer in China’s Auto Industry

08/2007 Executive Member Representing Auto Dealers of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce


Our Journey

In December 2023
Zhejiang Jiaoma Enterprise Membership Service Co., Ltd. was founded.
In August 2023
BLD-me Club officially launched operations and BLD-me membership card debuted online.
In July 2022
BLD-me platform & applet were upgraded.
In December 2021
Bseller Trading Co., Ltd. was founded.
In December 2021
Macrohard Information Technology Co., Ltd. was founded.
In November 2021
Bgear Auto Parts Trading Co., Ltd. was founded.
In 2020
BLD-me 2.0 & mini program went live.
In 2020
Baolide Network Technology Co., Ltd. commenced its IPO.
In 2019
BLD-me 1.0 officially went live.
In January 2019
Zhejiang Bheart Used Car Service Co., Ltd. was founded.
In 2018
BLD-me 1.0 went live for test.
In May 2017
Baolide Network Technology Co., Ltd. was founded.
In July 2017
Sinopec Easy Joy Baolide Investment Development Co., Ltd. was founded.
In October 2014
Zhejiang Baolide Automotive Operation Management Co., Ltd. Was founded.
In December 2013
Baolide Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. was founded.
In August 2011
Zhejiang Baolide Co., Ltd. was founded.
In March 2003
Baolide Holding Group Co., Ltd. was founded.
In 2001
Baolide Automobile’s first dealership opened.

Social Responsibility

BLD Group has faithfully practiced its values of repaying the society since its establishment. In 2011, BLD set up Baolide Child Care Fund in cooperation with Hangzhou Charity Federation and the Children’s Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine. The fund was aimed to offer financial support to children suffering from serious illnesses, and makes donations to over 20 seriously ill children each year after its founding. Additionally, BLD takes an active part every year in the activities to aid College Entrance Examinations candidates with financial difficulties.

BLD also set up Baolide Employee Care Fund, to grant allowance to employees and their family members suffering from poverty or disability due to illness. At the end of each year, representatives from Baolide Labor Union Committee and Employee Care Committee would pay home visits to employees in difficulty.

Charity programs, like one-to-one poverty alleviation in a village of ethnic minority in Lishui, the Winter Warming event in Sichuan Province and Baolide Library in Guizhou Province, are also philanthropic endeavors made by BLD people with strong sense of social responsibility.

On Jan. 8, 2019, BLD, along with Sina Sichuan, donated new tailor-made thermal sweatshirts with fleece lining to 119 kids in Yida Village Primary School and Zaganluo Village Primary School in Wagu Township, Meigu County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. The smile worn by these kids upon receipt of our sweatshirts is just the warmest sunshine in the freezing winter.

In 2020, BLD donated RMB 1,000,000 to Charity Federation of Xihu District to fight against COVID-19 pandemic. The donation was intended to be used by medical institutions in Zhejiang to purchase personal protective equipment including protective clothes, goggles and KN95 medical masks. In addition, BLD donated 10,000 KN95 masks and 10,000 medical masks sourced from various channels.

In July 2021, Zhejiang Province was hit by Typhoon In-Fa and some areas in the province suffered from a big flood. BLD, in partnership with Zhejiang Sanlian Rescue, formed a rescue team to deliver relief supplies to affected areas and assist the militia rescue team in searching and rescue operation. In the same month, Songjiang was hit by the long rainy season, and the grapes in the vineyards rotted away because farmers had no time for harvesting them. BLD, in active response to the government's call, organized customers to go to these vineyards for picking grapes, which relieved the farmers of their pressure.

In August, 2021, Shengzhou, Zhejiang Province was hit by a sudden rainstorm, and the accumulated rainfall in Guimen Township reached 114.2 mm. Due to the rainstorm, the township was flooded and the villagers’ houses were destroyed. BLD organized a public welfare activity with the theme of “Love is Around You” to delivery disaster relief supplies to villagers of Guimen Township. In the same month, when it was hot summer, BLD, in cooperation with Jiaxing Traffic Broadcasting, organized a Mercedes-Benz convoy to the urban areas of Jiaxing to delivery heat relief supplies to people working under the summer sun.

In December 2021, led by officials from Louxing District Administration for Market Regulation of Loudi, representatives from BLD made monetary donations and sent daily supplies in person to over 40 families in Zimu Village, Shexingshan Township. In the same month, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province suffered repeated and severe COVID epidemic. BLD delivered more than 1,000 epidemic prevention supplies and mineral water to Zhuji fire brigade, traffic police brigade and communities to send its greetings to people working in the front line of epidemic prevention and control.

In March 2022, there are national epidemic outbreaks in many regions, with confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and asymptomatic infected people found in Shanghai, Jiaxing, Loudi, Haining and other places. In these places, BLD volunteers have brought materials to the front line and help carry out community nucleic acid testing, distribution and transportation of materials, verification the data of epidemic prevention and control, and education of residents on prevention and control policies and other support work, helping to fight the epidemic through practical actions. In August, BLD launched cool summer themed welfare activities in Shanghai and Shaoxing to give away summer supplies and show sincere care to the front-line sanitation workers and construction workers.

In response to the call for supporting agriculture and rural revitalization, as well as assisting in greening and afforestation in Xinjiang and environmental protection, BLD participated in the large-scale public welfare action "I Have a Tree, Growing in Aksu" jointly sponsored by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Zhejiang Province, the Forestry Bureau of Zhejiang Province, the Zhejiang Aid to Xinjiang Command, and the Zhejiang Broadcasting and Television Group, and planted trees in the cloud hand in hand with BLD's users in order to help promote the green development in 2023.

About Founder

Mr. Haijun Yu
BLD Group Founder & Chairman
An Excellent Craftsman in Auto Dream and Change Catalyst in Auto Industry

- China's Industrial Leader

- Outstanding Hangzhou Businessmen of the World Hangzhou Business Conference

- Member of the General Association of Zhejiang Entrepreneurs

- Vice Chairman of International Chamber of Commerce of Hangzhou

Brand Story

Few inventions could change life of people as automobile did, and the rotating wheels not only marks the extension of reach of human, but also suggests infinite possibilities.

In 2001, Mr. Haijun Yu, driven by his great passion for automobiles, set foot in the medium- and high-end auto market full of unknowns by establishment of BLD. Over the past twenty odd years, BLD, as a luxury car service provider, secured licensing from many international luxury car brands and became their strategic partners. With ongoing efforts to explore and re-invent the service chain throughout auto life cycle, BLD has built a business network covering different parts of the Yangtze River Delta, and provided service to nearly 600,000 clients. Behind our huge user group is the witness of creation of wonderful lives, accompanied by thousands of people on the road to a better life in the company of BLD. If spiritual satisfaction and extension of our reach are what automobiles bring to human, then characters of luxury car brands are what BLD shares with users.

BLD is riding the overwhelming wave of the digital age to move forward.

BLD-me, a lifestyle service platform created by BLD, went live officially in 2019. In addition to further efforts to develop service chain throughout life cycles of products from international luxury car brands we are working with, such as Rolls Royce, Aston Martin, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, Jaguar Land Rover, Lincoln and Audi, as an outcome of our efforts to develop digital and intelligent service, BLD-me, with its global vision, new retailing services, all-channel operation featuring seamless integration of online and offline experience and community of lifestyle clubs, consistently provides diversified high-quality products and personalized high-quality life services to meet upscaling needs of users and create a platform-based, digital and online ecosystem of outstanding retail services.

Starting with travel by auto, we go on the journey to implement the international strategy without pause.

After two decades of development and accumulation, BLD now shoulders more significant missions. In 2021, BLD took actions to accelerate implementation of its global service strategy. Based on its diversified industry structure and global business network, BLD further expands the diversified service cooperation network. In 2023, BLD-me Club officially launched its operation and the BLD-me membership card debuted online, integrating global high-quality resources, relying on digital technology and offline experience centers, providing a full range of human-vehicle life privileges and creating value for members' families. BLD focus on premium products and services that cater to needs of users, and work on luxury cars, used cars, fashion boutiques, trips, education, health care to move towards its goal to be an international service enterprise of excellence.

In the future, BLD will endeavor to meet the increasing consumption needs of users in the spirit of craftsmanship, with sincerity, on the principle of people-oriented, and with the concept of modern luxury with courteous service, to creating a "people-car-life" service ecosystem for high-net-worth individuals, to continuously meet the growing consumer demand of users, and to make people-car-life better.